A positive attitude leads to positive outcomes.

Read our latest Ofsted report

Emily Wilding Davison – June 24

“This is a rapidly improved school. Pupils are valued and nurtured. Skilled staffprovide personalised learning and support. There are high expectations for pupils’behaviour and achievement.”

“The curriculum is broad and aspirational. It is designed to meet the needs of pupils.Pupils experience a variety of learning opportunities, including vocational andacademic courses.”

“Staff are rightly proud to work at the school. Staff,leaders and governors work with absolute determination to secure continued wholeschool improvements. Together, they are a strong, successful team, who genuinelywant the best for pupils in their care.”


At the centre of our personalised offer sits each pupil’s Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), and in partnership with the pupils themselves, their parents/ carers and external agencies we use the EHCP to develop a clear therapeutic profile of each student. This profile, supported by data from Thrive® and Prisum assessment data, is then used to ensure personalised interventions and planning is put in place to support our pupils in their preparation for adulthood.  Our students have the opportunity to work towards and achieve the following qualifications:

Entry Level One Entry Level Two Entry Level 3 Level 1 Level 2
AQA Step Up to English AQA Step Up to English AQA Step Up to English AQA Function Skills English AQA Function Skills English
AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths AQA Functional Skills Maths AQA Functional Skills Maths
BTEC Home Cooking Skills BTEC Home Cooking Skills
NCFE Certificate in Sport NCFE Certificate in Sport
AQA GCSE Art & Design (Fine Art)
AQA GCSE Art & Design (Photography)
AQA GCSE Biology
AQA GCSE English Language
AQA GCSE Science (Dual Award)
AQA GCSE Statistics



Click the link below to see the school’s performance data

EWD School Perfomance Table

Click here to see the school’s financial benchmarking

*NB no employees have a gross annual salary in excess of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.

EWD School Finance Benchmark report