At EWD we have a team committed to Safeguarding the students, staff and families in our community. Elizabeth Airey is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), however, all staff are responsible for the wellbeing of our students.
Meet our safeguarding and pastoral team.
Staff have regular training to ensure that they are up to date with any changes and updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).
We follow Northumberland County Council’s guidelines and advice to ensure that we always act legally and in the best interests of our students. Additionally, we maintain our training and support through Clennell.
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If you have an urgent safeguarding concern please contact:
One Call 01670 536400
If you have a concern around the mental health of a child please contact:
NHS Crisis Team 0301231146 Emergency Services 999
For more information on safeguarding, please see our safeguarding policies.
All our staff are PREVENT trained and are aware of the signs to look out for. As a school we recognise that safeguarding children, adults and communities against radicalisation is of prime importance.
Radicalisation is defined as the act or process of making a person more radical or favouring extreme or fundamental changes in political, economic or social conditions, institutions or habits of the mind.
Indicators that may suggest pupils could be vulnerable to radicalisation are available here.
This website provides an exhaustive, but not definitive, list and at all times you must use your personal judgement. Where concerns are identified, seek advice from a DSL or additionally you can visit the ACT website for more information, along with our PREVENT policy.
Operation Encompass
What is Operation Encompass?The project aims to safeguard and support children and young people who are involved in or affected by incidents involving domestic abuse.Witnessing domestic abuse is really distressing for a young person, who can often see the abuse, hear it from another room, see a parent’s injuries or distress afterwards or be physically hurt trying to stop the abuse.Following such an incident, children will often arrive at school upset and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff are made aware early enough to support children in the best way possible.
How does Operation Encompass work?
Following an incident of domestic abuse in the home, children will often arrive at school upset and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff are made aware of the incident early enough to support children in the best way possible.
After we receive a report of abuse in which children were present in the home, our specialist officers will make contact with Children’s Social Care. They will then communicate relevant information to nominated school staff. This ensures support can be provided as quickly as possible and children can feel safe and listened to.
Each school has a member of staff , Elizabeth Airey and Michael Hutchison who has been fully trained to liaise with the police and social services. This key adult is able to ensure the right support is made available to the child following the disclosure of a domestic abuse incident.
Police will share information with First Response who will phone the school between 8 and 8:30am and ask to speak with the Head Teacher Michael Hutchison and/or Designated Safeguarding Lead Elizbeth Airey. The school will be informed that there was an incident and the name of the child. The First Response Children’s Duty (FRCD) Officer making the phone call will not be in a position to give more information at that point.
What is Operation Endeavour?
Operation Endeavour is a safeguarding arrangement between Northumbria Police and the six Local Authorities within our area and educational setting for children aged 4-17years to safeguard children and young people at risk of harm from going missing.
It involves the early sharing of missing from home episodes with schools and colleges to offer appropriate support to young people on their return.
The process is managed by the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH).
Online Safety
It is essential that children are safeguarded from potentially harmful and inappropriate material or behaviours online. Emily Wilding Davison school has a whole school approach to online safety which empowers, protects, and educates our learners and staff in their use of technology; it establishes mechanisms to identify, intervene in, and escalate any concerns where appropriate.
We ensure online safety is reflected in all relevant policies. Online safety is considered as a running and interrelated theme when devising and implementing our policies and procedures and when planning our curriculum, staff training, the role and responsibilities of the DSL and parental engagement.
The school identifies that the breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable, but can be categorised into four areas of risk:
- Content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful content. For example, pornography, fake news, racism, misogyny, self-harm, suicide, anti-Semitism, radicalisation and extremism.
- Contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users. For example, child on child pressure, commercial advertising and adults posing as children or young adults with the intention to groom or exploit children for sexual, criminal, financial or other purposes.
- Conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm. For example, making, sending and receiving explicit images (e.g. consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi-nudes and/or pornography), sharing other explicit images and online bullying.
- Commerce: risks such as online gambling, inappropriate advertising, phishing and or financial scams.
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We know that our students communicate their thoughts and feelings through their behaviours. We have a responsibility to try to understand what they are telling us, even if this may not be immediately apparent. It is important to connect with the underlying reasons the child may be behaving in a particular way.
We recognise that many of the young people placed at EWDS may have struggled in previous specialist or mainstream placements. Alongside existing and different cognitive, social, emotional, mental health or neurodivergent needs, many of our students may have experienced early childhood adversity that is likely to have made school feel particularly difficult.
To support our pupils with their self management, our school values reflect various behaviourist systems to reward them for positive behaviours, high quality learning and outstanding progress. We do not believe in punitive sanctions but we do believe that pupils should take responsibility for their actions in a restorative and personalised way. We are all different and whilst it’s important that we all act in line with our values and social norms, each individual voice needs to be heard as this is the basis of our shared culture.
The combination of relationships, structure, routine, clear boundaries, and opportunities for thinking together promotes the development of positive, healthy, safe ways of relating to others
For more information on our approaches to supporting behaviour, please see our behaviour policy.
Emily Wilding Davsion School has a points system which is designed to support and promote positive behaviour of students within school. The points system is used as a positive reinforcement technique to encourage and motivate our students to learn positive behaviours, build new behaviour habits and learn to make better behaviour choices. Our Reward System involves offering incentives to motivate and promote positive behaviour.
In each lesson students are awarded a maximum of 5 points for positive respectful behaviours and a maximum of 5 points for their work. Students can use the point to access privileges within school such as XBOX, Tuck Shop and the Gym. Points will be totaled up and student will be able to choose a reward on a Friday afternoon.
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